Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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Professional Point System
Copyright (c) 1992 Harvey Parisien
Box 323 Station A, Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7M 6R2
FidoNet 1:249/114
(route via 1:249/1)
i) Point Nodes and Boss nodes, an Overview
ii) PPoint - Design Objectives, and Overview
iii) Installation
iv) Advanced Notes
v) Distribution and Registration
vi) Users Guide
vii) Error Codes
From the author of ...
│ │
│ RAD = dBASE III file compatible, BBS or REMOTE online │
│ Database │
│ │
│ HLIST = HLIST File List Compiler for files.bbs systems │
│ │
│ OMENU = oMENU the Ultimate disk Menu System │
│ │
│ HARVEY = Harvey the Robot message mailer *.PKT format │
│ │
│ OFFLINE = The easy to use, QWK offline reader. │
│ │
Page 1
PPoint - Professional Point System
P o i n t N o d e s & B o s s N o d e s
A Point is a network node, a computer system which is setup
with the necessary software to connect to another network
node, and transfer email and/or files.
The network structure PPoint is designed for is FidoNet. This
is an extremely efficient structure developed by hobbyists
throughout the world. FidoNet has been around since the
beginning of the PC, and there are currently 15000 plus nodes
around the world (not including Point nodes).
A FidoNet node is a node that is online 24 hours a day, and
connected with other nodes in the same manner. This Fidonet
node is registered in an international node list as being a
Continuous Mailer or CM (accessible any time). Without
getting into the details, a typical FidoNet node is connected
to an official Network node, which is connected to a regional
node, which is connected to a Zone node. There are several
Zones that represent geographical areas of the planet.
A Point node is a node which is connected to a FidoNet node as
described above. This Point get's it's mail from that node
which is called a Boss node, or a Host node. The Point also
sends it's mail to the Host for insertion into the network.
The Point therefore does not have to be online or accessible
continuously, instead it is only network active when the Point
user connects to the host to transfer (send/receive) email.
Then all mail management is done off-line at the Point users
Point nodes are not in the international node list that is an
integral part of the FidoNet structure. They are authorized,
created, serviced, and the responsibility of the Host which is
an official FidoNet node. All activity from the Point node is
managed by the Host, so in fact the Point is like an extension
or branch of that node. The Point's address becomes the
Host's address, with an extension of .x where x is the Point
number. A typical address is (my address) 1:249/114 which is
Zone 1, Network 249, and node 114. One of my points have the
and address of 1:249/114.7 which is my point number 7.
Page 2
PPoint - Professional Point System
P P o i n t
The main objective behind the development of PPoint was to
create a system that was easy to setup, easy to use, and easy
to maintain. The user interface has been designed to offer
intuitive navigation thought the various functions and
controls. There are certain forced paths, and certain
suggested paths, all intended to make email management
enjoyable, efficient and effortless. The hardware required is
minimal. Any PC with 256k memory and 500k of disk space. The
file structure for the email database is an advanced database
structure where each message area has 2 files containing all
the related information (some older systems created endless
individual files for each message taking 512 to 2048 bytes of
storage space for each message).
PPoint is a professional network EMAIL management system. It
is self installing, FidoNet compatible, and is complete in
terms of it's functionality, and automatically installs a few
other complex systems it transparently integrates with.
PPoint accomplishes all of the tasks required to create,
process, and transfer email and files all without the user
having to be a computer expert.
A Point system is usually a complex assortment of various
processors and utilities, driven by a sophisticated batch file
which takes an experienced person to setup. Most of the
associated utilities and processors are only used to 30% of
their respective capacities, whose design were intended for
much more complex data processing.
Transferring email requires the ability to manage data
locally, and transfer it to/from the Host. PPoint handles
everything except the mail packet transfer itself. To
transfer data from PPoint, we suggest you use the BinkleyTerm
mailer system. PPoint will work with other FidoNet compatible
mailer systems, however PPoint will automatically do the
installation/setup of BinkleyTerm for you. BinkleyTerm is the
simplest and most efficient system to use, especially as a
BinkleyTerm is a system which is freely available for
noncommercial use (<=3 commercial sites at one time - see
documentation for BinkleyTerm) and is the smallest, most
efficient of all the various mail processors. There are
Page 3
PPoint - Professional Point System
processors that are in some ways easier to setup, and have
more features, BUT, Binkley was our choice since WE do the
setup for it internally via PPoint, so you don't even notice
it. Part of BinkleyTerm's efficiency is size. Some mailers
range from 600k to 2megs in disk size, where Binkley is less
than 250k. The additional features available in other
processors are simply not needed for managing a Point.
PPoint also allows you to use your favorite editor. Most
users get use to an editor, and prefer to stick with it. Most
users prefer QEDIT or TED3. QEDIT is a professional full
featured editor, while TED3 is a simple freeware system produced
by PC Magazine. If you don't have an editor, use the simple
editor included with PPoint called ED.
If you received PPoint on disk, then simply type A:INSTALL and
press enter. It will handle the entire installation.
If you downloaded an archive of PPoint, unarchive it in any
subdirectory. If you don't have one in mind, may we suggest
using C:\EMAIL.
To install, just run PPOINT.EXE, and read the screens.
Later, highlight each pulldown menu item, and Press F1 for a
description of it's use.
The following files are required to operate PPoint...
PPOINT.EXE The Main program
PPOINT.HLP Help file data
PPOINT.HLX Help file index
PPOINT.HLT Help file index
ED.EXE (or any Editor)
(Usually in an archive named POINT???.ZIP)
The following files are created by PPoint...
PPOINT.CFG PPoint's configuration file
BINKLEY.CFG Binkley's configuration file
BINKLEY.ADD User's Binkley modify file
BINKLEY.EVT Binkley's event file
MAILER.BAT Batch file used internally to call Binkley
MAIL\PPOINT.ARE Area configuration file
The following are additional files you will need to install
BinkleyTerm as your mailer. These should either be in your
Page 4
PPoint - Professional Point System
path, or on your PPoint directory.
You should use QEDIT or ED, or any other TEXT EDITOR. DO
NOT use a word processor unless it can take a file name on the
command line, and save files in TEXT or ASCII format with NO
special control characters which most word processors use.
A simple editor called ED comes with PPoint. It has the very
basic features required, and is limited to 312 lines of text.
Most messages should never exceed 100 lines.
QEDIT.EXE An editor (Usually in an archive named QEDIT???.ZIP)
PKUNZIP.EXE An unarchiver (Usually in an archive named
PKZ???.EXE [this is a self extracting archive -
no unarchiver needed]). Other archivers can
be used also. PPoint automatically detects
the archiving method used for incoming packets.
These should be in your PPoint directory. Note: The current
version of Binkley is 2.50.
BT EXE 232686 09-15-91 11:39p This is the mailer.
BINKLEY LNG 13328 09-15-91 10:13p " "
(Usually in an archive named BEXE_???.ZIP)
BNU COM 11232 10-26-89 1:56a This is a fossil.
(Usually in an archive named BNU???.ZIP)
│ Basically, you need the following for a complete setup... │
│ │
│ POINT???.ZIP, PK??????.EXE, BEXE_???.ZIP, and BNU???.ZIP │
│ (bnu can be substituted with OPUSCOMn or X00) │
│ │
If you want to use a different mailer, then just alter a file
PPoint creates called mailer.bat to accommodate. However, we
strongly recommend using Binkley.
Page 5
PPoint - Professional Point System
PPoint supports 4d Point addressing (type 2+). This means it
will work with current hosts like Squish or Front Door. This
packet design is the latest most efficient structure.
AREA TAG names have a maximum length of 60 characters.
CARBON COPIES of messages can be sent if you have a list of names
in a text file in the format...
first last,zone:net/node{.point}
first last,zone:net/node{.point}
Entering CC:filename.ext in the TO: field of a message, causes
carbon copies to be sent to all in the list.
Command line controls: /P initiates an immediate poll when
ppoint is run
/E exits to dos after the first poll
/OUT process outbound mail
/IN process inbound mail
/OUT/IN process both
PPoint has one unique feature that is designed to work with
mailers like Binkley. If you Poll your Host and there is no
mail, the mailer will not exit back to PPoint. To force the
mailer to exit, have your Host put a small text file called
PPOINT.$$$ in a requestable position. The Host might make a
Freq name of HOST which locates PPOINT.$$$. This can be placed
on PPoint's autofreq list, causing it to arrive every time the
Host is polled. If PPoint detects a file called PPOINT.$$$ in
the inbound directory, it will delete it making the process
all very transparent.
Multiple Boss Addressing
PPoint can be used for managing multiple boss addresses. If you
have more than one boss, you might consider this replacement for
MAILER.BAT. This is the batch file ppoint uses to operate your
mailer (binkley).
@echo off
if errorlevel 40 goto exit
if not exist out\*.* goto exit
goto s
bnu /U
Page 6
Distribution, and Registration
PPoint is marketed as shareware. It may be used for a 20 day
trial period, and then must be registered.
PPoint is fully functional. There are no timers, or limits
imposed. There are no keys required for installation. Your
honesty is our only protection against insufficient future
development funds, and we have learned to trust in that with
the success of our other shareware products.
To register, please fill out the REGISTER.TXT application.
You can load it into your word processor or editor, and edit
it, or copy it to your printer and do it by hand (COPY
Harvey Parisien
Box 323 Station A
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7M 6R2
Registering PPoint is only necessary once, and entitles you
to new versions of PPoint as they are released. The latest
versions of PPoint will be available on your favorite SDS
system, or directly from FidoNet 1:249/1.
NON COMMERCIAL users may register for $ 15.00.
Registration is $85.00.
(Group rates available)
DISCLAIMER - This program is provided as is. You may use it
at your own risk. There is no warranty of any kind or any
form covering this program. The author may in no way be held
liable for any damage of any form in connection or arising
from the quality and/or use of this program and any
associated files included with it.
Registered users feel free to contact me via NETMAIL for
instant support...
Harvey Parisien, FidoNet 1:249/114
(route via 1:249/1)
Page 7
When you run PPoint, by entering PPOINT at a DOS prompt, or
selecting it from a system menu, it will display a title
screen, and then immediately bring you to the main pulldown
menu interface. (You can turn off the title screen on the
setup menu if it annoys you.)
The use of pulldown menus has been implemented to organize
your availability of various functions at different times, and
by separating them into separate related areas.
The first pulldown menu is the set of functions that relate to
HOST connections, and management. The next pulldown menu
contains functions related to MAIL management. This is the
menu you first arrive on when you run PPoint, since it's the
area most commonly used. The other two menus are OPTIONS,
which is where not so common functions are made available, and
the SETUP. The Setup menu contains all of the various user
definable options, and settings required to operate and
maintain PPoint.
A typical PPoint session might start where you would choose
HOST TRANSFER on the HOST pulldown menu. This will transfer
any outstanding mail created by your system to your Host, and
process any incoming mail or files from your Host. Your
system automatically dials your Host, connects, and transfers
When a Host transfer is complete, and if you have received
mail, you will find yourself on the MAIL pulldown menu, on the
selection READ NEW MAIL. This is the next logical choice you
would make when mail is received.
│ To continue, create an up-to-date REFERENCE GUIDE. Run │
│ PPoint and press F1 for a help screen. Select Help Index │
│ and select the last choice which is Print User Reference Guide. │
│ This will print a complete function by function guide to │
│ running PPoint. This guide is a complete printout of your │
│ online Help text. │
Contact me via NETMAIL...
Harvey Parisien, FidoNet 1:249/114
(route via 1:249/1)
Page 8
Error Codes
Code Message Code Message
1 NEXT without FOR 52 Bad file name or number
2 Syntax error 53 File not found
3 RETURN without GOSUB 54 Bad file mode
4 Out of DATA 55 File already open
5 Illegal function call 56 FIELD statement active
6 Overflow 57 Device I/O error
7 Out of memory 58 File already exists
8 Label not defined 59 Bad record length
9 Subscript out of range 61 Disk full
10 Duplicate definition 62 Input past end of file
11 Division by zero 63 Bad record number
12 Illegal in direct mode 64 Bad file name
13 Type mismatch 67 Too many files
14 Out of string space 68 Device unavailable
16 String formula too complex 69 Communication-buffer overflow
17 Cannot continue 70 Permission denied
18 Function not defined 71 Disk not ready
19 No RESUME 72 Disk-media error
20 RESUME without error 73 Feature unavailable
24 Device timeout 74 Rename across disks
25 Device fault 75 Path/File access error
26 FOR without NEXT 76 Path not found
27 Out of paper 80 Feature removed
29 WHILE without WEND 81 Invalid name
30 WEND without WHILE 82 Table not found
33 Duplicate label 83 Index not found
35 Subprogram not defined 84 Invalid column
37 Argument-count mismatch 85 No current record
38 Array not defined 86 Duplicate value unique index
40 Variable required 87 Invalid operation null index
50 FIELD overflow 88 Database needs repair
51 Internal error 89 Insufficient ISAM buffers
Page 9
The latest version of PPOINT is available from the following nodes, or on
your favorite SDS site. PPOINT Support Sites use F/req name of: POINT
US Preston Smith, Colorado Springs, Colorado 1:128/77 2400, HST/DS
CANADA Bill Cassidy, Kingston, Ontario (NEC) 1:249/1 HST/DS 16.8
CANADA Bill Cassidy, Kingston, Ontario (NEC) 1:249/50 ZyXEL 16.8
UK Cliff Jones, Lowestoft, Suffolk, England 2:254/71 9600/HST
UK Cliff Jones, Lowestoft, Suffolk, England 2:254/44 2400 CCITT
GERMANY Peter Kaszanics, Essen, Germany 2:245/100 HST
GERMANY Peter Kaszanics, Essen, Germany 2:245/8 V32Bis
ITALY Giancarlo Cairella, Milano, Italy (NEC) 2:331/300 HST DS/PEP
ITALY Giancarlo Cairella, Milano, Italy 2:331/301 HST
AUSTRALIA Peter Lane-Collett, Brisbane, Queensland 3:640/306 2400 CCITT
Other works by Harvey Parisien
║ Magic FREQ names for 1:249/1 HST/DS -or- 1:249/114 ZyXEL 16.8 ║
║ DB = CONTACT MANAGER, PIM, & Generic dBASE III+ Database Mgr ║
║ RAD = dBASE III file compatible, BBS or REMOTE online database ║
║ HLIST = HLIST File List Compiler for files.bbs systems. ║
║ OMENU = oMENU the Ultimate disk Menu System ║
║ POINT = PPoint - Professional Point System - easy and automatic ║
║ HARVEY = "Harvey the Robot" automated message mailer *.PKT format ║
║ OFFLINE = The easy to use, QWK offline reader. ║